Advantages of using artificial turf in mini golf

Mini golf is a great choice for those who don’t have time to go to the stadium or do not have too many conditions to exercise, and are becoming more popular in today’s sports market. With the support of artificial turf and the space advantage, golf has become a sport more available. To some extent, the application of mini-golf also increase the popularity of golf.

The advantages of the mini golf course are obvious. A formal golf course requires a large space for the venue. For a mini golf course, space is no longer a factor that binds the sport.

Mini golf courses generally do not use natural lawns due to its characteristics. Artificial turf is mostly used. The general arrangement is the same with the originals in order to make sure the accurateness. As we all know, artificial grass need maintenance to keep a good state. In the application of mini golf, it works too.

Whether the high-end project can be popularized has a lot to do with its market. The price of the mini golf course is not low, but it is much more cost-effective than the normal course. In the future, the prospects of mini golf courses will be even broader. CCGrass has realized this trend and we have designed some professional types of artificial turf for mini golf.