Climate Action

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to the world we all know. Tackling this, the IPCC defined their main objectives as limiting the average rise in global warming to 1.5℃. To achieve this, we must all begin to make changes. CCGrass is most concerned about carbon emissions emitted and has committed to taking a holistic approach to reduce our environmental impact.

Renewable solar energy

CCGrass’ industrial park has been installed with a rooftop solar powered system, consisting of 110,000 square meter panels. This rooftop solution annually generates 8 million kW⋅h of electricity, alleviating the power supply tension at peak usage times, promoting the city’s economic and social development also.

The use of this rooftop eco solution is estimated to prevent the release of approximately 4,880 tons of CO₂ emissions per year. This is equivalent to the CO₂ absorption of about 10,495 trees.

The solar paneled roof annually prevents 3200 tons of coal burning, 2176 tons of carbon dust, 240 tons of SO₂ and 120 tons of NOx.

Clean and renewable energy is at the core of our environmental commitment.

Management system standards

CCGrass is certified with ISO14001 and ISO50001 to integrate environmental and energy management into our overall efforts to help with environmental impact.

110,000 m²

Solar System


4,880 Tons CO2 Emission
≈ CO2 Absorption of 10,495 Trees


3,200,000 kg

Coal Buming


8 Million kW.h Electricity


2,176,000 kg

Carbon Dust


240,000kg SO₂+120,000 kg NOx
ISO 50001

Energy management

ISO 50001
ISO 14001

Environmental management

ISO 140001

Energy-saving design

Energy Saving Artificial Grass

GrassCool series

CCGrass has developed GrassCool series to increase the reflectance of the sunlight, decrease the thermo absorption and reduce the amount of power consumption used in cooling.

Also, we have developed the GrassCool system, which helps to control the heat levels within the grass. Not only does this provides a high level of sporting performance, but also enhances the welfare of the athletes. It’s a perfect choice for hot areas ensuring top-quality performance on cooler grass.

Green&Blue coating

Energy saving is integral to our design, and we work hard to ensure it is there in all we do. It is woven into our artificial grass backing, with energy saving green and blue-backed coatings, which absorb less heat.